
Gentle Barn: Where Horses Talk, Cows Heal and Kids Transform

Gentle Barn: Where Horses Talk, Cows Heal and Kids Transform Meet Sir Lancelot — photo courtesy of GB.It might sound like a scene from the film "The Horse Whisperer," but what went down with a horse named Sir Lancelot at The Gentle Barn, a nonprofit organization that rescues farm animals and uses them to help disabled, special needs, and at-risk youth, in…

Dr. Lesli Preuss' Ranch Animals Help Asperger's, ADHD & Gifted Kids

Dr. Lesli Preuss' Ranch Animals Help Asperger's, ADHD & Gifted Kids The remarkable Harvey — all photos courtesy of Dr. Preuss.It was 3 a.m. eight years ago when Dr. Lesli Preuss woke up to feel her new rescue dog, Harvey, with his mouth around her throat. "Just prior to that, he had been getting really territorial around me and nipping at…

F.E.A.T. Helps Kids Visit Incarcerated Parents, Offers Coping Programs

F.E.A.T. Helps Kids Visit Incarcerated Parents, Offers Coping Programs F.E.A.T. co-founder Jessica Reid reads to kids on the bus — photo courtesy of F.E.A.T.Dialogue about incarceration usually focuses on the inmate. In many scenarios, the ones behind bars even have access to support services, but it’s the children of inmates frequently facing economic…

Cadbury Delivers 5000 New African Terrain Bikes To Ghanaian Kids

Cadbury Delivers 5000 New African Terrain Bikes To Ghanaian Kids All photos taken on Cadbury's The Bicycle Factory Program, Ghana, fall 2009It’s so simple it sounds almost trite, and yet it’s true: something as everyday as a bicycle can, in the right circumstances, actually change a life. That’s the take-away from a new documentary, Wheels of Change,…