“Weight” was the catalyst that gave Ottawa roots musician Larry Pegg the will to record another album after the crippling loss of his daughter to suicide in 2007. The song was written, literally between tears in his hotel room, while attending the 2012 Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention's National Conference. That same day, Pegg submitted it into CBC’s Lynn Miles songwriting contest where it made top 5. Later, Miles agreed to sing backup on the final version for his new album, Before And Afterlife: The Theory of Positivity. Pegg is donating 100 percent of the proceeds from downloads of “Weight” — and 50 percent of the full album download proceeds — to D.I.F.D., started in memory of 14-year-old Daron Richardson, who took her own life. The youth-driven initiative is focused on raising awareness and inspiring conversations about youth mental health. — K.B.