Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks has visited many injured military personnel over the years at Walter Reed Hospital and Bethesda Naval Hospital. She wrote a poem after her second visit to Walter Reed and gave it out to the soldiers and their families. “I always told them one day it would be a song,” Nicks said. In 2009, an accident in Iraq that killed seven English soldiers “caused a four-page journal entry, where I pulled the chorus,” she explained. Nicks then asked Fleetwood Mac co-founder Lindsay Buckingham to play guitar and sing backup on the heartfelt song she titled “Soldier’s Angel” for her 2011 solo album, In Your Dreams. “I am a soldier in their army/They are the soldiers of my heart/I try to make them smile again/Thought it tears me apart/Their bravery leaves me spellbound/I try to be a small part /Of bringing them back again,” she sings. Buy it here.